About the Logistics Congress
A comprehensive logistics offering with advanced digital and technological capabilities increases cost-efficiency for customers in the wider region throughout the supply chain.
For the 12th consecutive year, we are bringing together manufacturing, trade, logistics companies, transport operators, digital and technology solution providers, as well as educational and regulatory authorities. We have built the largest platform for sharing knowledge, experience and networking at the international level. For years, we have welcomed speakers and participants from over twenty countries.
The Logistics Congress “Supply Chain Management in Science and Practice” has expanded beyond the borders of Slovenia. The region desires an event that brings us together across national borders. Over 2000 regional managers, decision-makers, leaders, and logistics professionals have been able to acquire new knowledge and experiences while gaining valuable insights into international and domestic best practices. They have also forged an invaluable network of business connections and friendships over the past eleven years.
The Logistics Congress of 2024 focused on comprehensive logistics services and their enhancement with artificial intelligence and improving production supply by efficiently implementing MES systems in production. The Congress has been addressing digitization, automation, and robotics in logistics, production logistics, and transport for many years, and we are now further building upon these themes with the introduction of artificial intelligence. Our primary focus will be the significant impact of regional presence on supply chain efficiency.
We will present cutting-edge trends and guidelines in logistics, backed up with our practical experience in deploying effective solutions. This is the only way to ensure that our presentation is truly comprehensive. By bringing passion and goodwill to the event, we will create an international “Logistics Congress” that commands the attention of our participants, with over 80% returning year after year.
We are committed to integrating logistics in the region through this event, which is our contribution to added value in logistics. You are cordially invited to join us in April 2025 to combine our knowledge, offer, and interests. Together, we will create an event that will elevate the logistics community in the region to new heights. Let’s make it happen!
11th International Logistics Congress
Grand hotel Bernardin, Obala 2, 6320 Portorož
April 2-4, 2025
Registration fee
About the congress
Main thematics
Rich educational program in several plenums (lectures, workshops, round tables).
Sponsor program
Promotional and sales premises of sponsors and supporters.
Accompanying programme
Opportunities for socializing, networking, evening program, program during breaks.
Awards and recognition Logist of the year, award for lifetime work in the field of logistics, transport and production logistics.
About the congress
Program Committee
PH.D Igor Jakomin
Igor has more than 25 years of experience. He was Regional Manager of United Parcel Service Country (UPS) for Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, General Manager of various subsidiaries of the Samer Group, member of the Supervisory Board of Luka Koper and BTC Terminal and consultant to a number of well-known companies in Slovenia and abroad. He passes on his experience as a lecturer and assistant professor at various universities and academies. He worked for 3 years as State Secretary (Deputy Minister) at the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia. He is currently Deputy CEO at CargoX, a revolutionary provider of blockchain-based solutions for the logistics industry.
Andrej Lukan
Andrej Lukan is Deputy Director Supply Chain Management at Krka d.d. Novo Mesto. He has more than 25 years of experience in purchasing, logistics and supply chain.
He has experience in implementing business support software and has worked on SAP projects. He is a member of the Slovenian Logistics Association and the Slovenian Academy of Management.
Matjaž Marovt
Matjaž Marovt holds a degree in electrical engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana. He completed his MSc in Quality Management at Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, and was nominated for the EFQM European Master’s Thesis Prize for his thesis. He is Executive Director for the Industrial Division at Adria Mobil d.o.o. Previously, he was Managing Director of Holding Slovenske Elektrarne, a member of the Board of Prevent Global d.d. and before that he held a number of management positions at Gorenje, including Quality Director, Programme Director and CEO for Purchasing and Logistics. He was also a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Logistics at the University of Maribor.
Robert Sever
He is the director of the Transport Association of the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He has been working in the field of transport and logistics for more than 20 years. During this time, he has become well acquainted with the problems and challenges faced by Slovenian logistics companies. In addition, he has become familiar with the logistics sector through analyses and studies of the sector’s business, observation of trends and presentations in the national and international environment. In his work, he also encounters specific challenges and problems of companies in the sector, as he is also involved in consulting and organising seminars, consultations, conferences and other events.
Damjan Širca
Damjan Širca is a consultant for IT support in logistics and founder and director of Epilog, d.o.o. Passion for logistics, focus, knowledge, experience – he and his colleagues have been successfully contributing all of this to the development and implementation of IT solutions for logistics worldwide since 1990. It was his dream to have his own robot. Five years ago, he realised it by founding the robotics department. This has put the company on a unique map of providers of complete software solutions for internal logistics, last mile, and robotics.
Damjan Zupančič
Damjan Zupančič holds a degree in mechanical engineering and works at BTC d.d. Logistics Center, as Director of Logistics Development. In his professional career, he has gained over 25 years of international experience in management, organisation, development, innovation and continuous progress in the field of supply chain logistics and production logistics in the automotive industry. For the last year, he has been working in the field of 3PL/4PL FMCG logistics development at BTC d.d., which with its capacity of 130,000+ pallet locations and its new, modern Logistics Center Zalog represents one of the largest Slovenian logisticians with a long tradition, experience and diversification of approaches and individual customer treatment for optimal logistics processes.
Igor Žula
Igor Žula is the CEO and owner of 3 Projekt d.o.o., a company that provides services in management and improvement of individual business functions, project management and management of companies. He believes in people, in their abilities and in their desire to move things for the better. All his projects are based on this belief, which is why the core of his work is the maximum involvement of employees at all company levels. He has combined the knowledge and experience gained from projects involving the redesign of business processes, the 20 keys, progress acceleration, implementation of various IT solutions, and other projects of a business nature into his own 5 Δ ® method, with which he is successfully changing companies for the better today.
About the congress
Profile of participants
- providers of logistics services (providers of storage, logistics and transport services);
- users of logistics services (manufacturing companies and trade);
- ICT (providers of ICT and technological solutions);
- consulting (consultants, HR and others);
- education and state administration;
- media.
About the congress
Objectives of the Congress
Congress seeks to achieve:
- offer current and up-to-date topics;
- connect all stakeholders in the region;
- raise the reputation and visibility of logistics;
- build relationships and positive change for everyone in the industry;
- to more actively connect and create dialogue between the economy and knowledge institutions;
About the organizer
The Logistics Congress is organized by the Slovenian Logistics Association (SLZ).
The Slovenian Logistics Association (SLZ) is a voluntary, independent and non-profit association of members and sympathizers in the field of transport, traffic and business logistics. We connect managers, experts, entrepreneurs and others who work in the field of logistics or who are interested in this field and who want to contribute to the all-round development of Slovenian logistics, increase its recognition and strengthen its international reputation through their activities in the Association. In addition to the main event, the Logistics Congress, we organize other events, workshops, visits to trade fairs and good practices for our members. More at www.slz.si.
The event is photographed and recorded on video. The organizer and the technical contractor reserve the right to publish photos of the entire event until written cancellation by the participants.
Medijsko središče
Sporočila za javnost
Sporočilo za javnost 2022, 24. 1. 2023
Ljubljana, 13. 4. 2022 – V Portorožu se je zaključil 9. Mednarodni Logistični kongres – oskrbovalne verige v znanosti in praksi, ki je na enem mestu združil kar 330 deležnikov, med njimi predstavnikov logistike, prevozništva, proizvodnje, informacijskih in tehnoloških rešitev, šolstva in države.
Sporočilo za javnost 2022, 29. 3. 2022
Vzpostavite nove poslovne kontakte, izkoristite prednosti mreženja in ustvarite nove poslovne priložnosti. Poiščite zanesljive partnerje, ki vam bodo omogočili hitrejši razvoj poslovanja.
Sporočilo za javnost 2022, 24. 2. 2022
V Portorožu se bo od 6. do 8. aprila 2022 odvil že deveti najpomembnejši dogodek s področja logistike v regiji mednarodni Logistični kongres: »Oskrbovalne verige v znanosti in praksi 2022«. Kongres od samega začetka uspešno združuje vse deležnike, ki so kakorkoli povezani z logistiko - tako s strani logističnih, prevozniških in proizvodnih podjetij, ponudnikov informacijskih in tehnoloških rešitev, šolstva in državnih organov.
The International Logistics Congress is the largest and most important congress in the field of logistics, transport and production logistics in the region. Every year supported by top domestic and foreign experts, lecturers, sponsors and participants.